Saturday, March 24, 2012

No longer my little baby boy..

Well today was the day. My "baby" is officially no longer a baby. 

Yes, I have known this for quite some time, clearly, but it kind of just hit me this morning when I packed him up and drove down to register him for Kindergarten. I cannot believe how fast time has flown by. It honestly feels like yesterday that I was sitting in the bathroom at my mother's house, 16 years old, holding a positive EPT in my hand. 

 5 years old and starting Big Boy School in just 5 months. I will have to cherish this time I have left with him because before I know it, I will be holding back tears as I watch him climb onto that big yellow bus for the very first time. 

 Any ideas on how to cope with this reality?? :/

Coming home from the hospital...

… 5 1/2 years later!


  1. Awww, adorable! I popped over from our birth month on babycenter. Those glasses are so stinking cute!

  2. Thank you very much! Don't they just fit him so well?!

  3. What a sweet boy you have! I cannot imagine having a baby at 16 years old- you have done a great job, mama! Time sure does fly, doesn't it!

    - jen from BBC ("Seattle_Jen")

  4. Thank you so much Jen. There has certainly been ups and downs along the way, but never have I regretted having to grow up so young. He has made it worth it.
